Monday, November 9, 2009

Iverson retiring?

Allen Iverson - '00-'01 ASG MVP - ©Photofile

 Iverson retiring?

Disgruntled vet Allen Iverson has disappeared from the Memphis Grizzlies' bench, which is likely the for the best for the short term since those younger players don't need to learn how to pout so early in the game.
Iverson has let the team know he wants to be spending more time on the floor during games but there just aren't enough minutes in the game to distribute to the aging Iverson. Now he's left the team but the owner Michael Heisley is saying that the absence has nothing to do with the disagreement and it's a totally separate personal matter, according to ESPN.
"I'm not going to get into the personal reason but it has nothing to do with the other stuff," Heisley said. "I'm the guy who said he could go. It's a real family issue that I don't think should be reported."
Of course that family issue could be the Iversons getting together to talk about Allen's lack of playing time.
It remains to be seen whether Iverson will simply separate from the team personally. The problem for him is that there don't seem to be any teams that will bring him onboard and start him. And obviously that doesn't sit well with him.
So the word on the street now is that Iverson is considering retirement, according to the Memphis Commercial Appeal.


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